This is a personal film project about a woman who returns to her childhood home in attempt to come to terms with her tragic past.
It has been funded so far by SODEC, The Canada Council for the Arts, the National Film Board and e.d.Films.
RAHH_Ethyl Production Puppet - Rendered in RedShift
Early test combining paper puppet with hand painted, layered environment.
Raven Mother n-Cloth Test in Maya with Paper Materials rendered with RedShift
Animation and Ambience Test : Home Was Hairy Hill
This is an abandoned build of one of the environments from the film using the UnReal game engine.
Concept art to basic paper treatment using RedShift. There is no displacement or drawing details.
First pass on the eyes, Too reflective, but demonstrate the goal as seen in Paranorman and BoxcTrolls.
WIP collage of a character from an earlier version of the film.
WIP: Hairy Hill - Treatment Test
WIP: Hairy Hill - Old Ethyl - Ver.02
WIP: Hairy Hilll - Deer Girl - Ver.01
WIP: Hairy Hill - Raven mother - Ver.01
WIP: Hairy Hill - Young Ethyl - Ver,01
WIP: Hairy Hill- Young Ethyl Duster - Ver.02
WIP: Hairy Hill - Rabbit Girl - Ver.02
WIP: Hairy Hill - Fox Boy - Ver.01
WIP: Hairy Hill - Raven - Ver.01
WIP: Hairy Hill Maison 3D Papier
I built an actual paper version of the main character of the film for reference.
Rough 3D model made from hand drawn paper form
Old character concept
One of the original concepts behind the film with the protagonists struggling with her mother who use to be a giant pig with a raven in her belly.
A style test of the mother before she was a raven woman.
Animation technique test and development
A still from a time-lapse painting demo for Hairy Hill.
Most of the background assets are being painted by hand using ink and water colour markers.
Young Character concept
Scene Track: 15 - Life-Like Animation with Unity Plugins
Using the Vive to experiment with real time animation/puppetry to drive the characters.
I traveled to Hairy Hill Alberta and recorded various location sounds from inside abandoned houses and out on the land.
The house that inspired the home in the film, located near Hairy Hill Alberta.
This was another good reminder of how overgrown things get down in the river valley near Hairy Hill and the Metis Crossing area.
The interior of an old prairie home in Northern Alberta.
Wood stove flu hole, looking in.
I really liked the siding and window placement in this home. The ceilings were really low.
The house on the land.
Northern Alberta prairie landscape.
More reference photography on-location.
E*D Films Retour à Hairy Hill Director Daniel Gies concept animatic 2011